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Kay Lovely left the house to the pool. Jay Bangher was cleaning the pool. She was watching him. He said he isn't a pool kid. He is companions with the proprietor. The proprietor was her friendly benefactor. She requested that Jay spread some cream on her. He rejected. She removed her top. She asked again in the event that he could spread salve on her beautiful natural breasts. Jay was down. He massaged Kay's flawless breasts until they were both extremely horny. They went into the house and began with a blowjob. Then, at that point, a titty fuck. And afterward the normal fucking. Jay had a giant dick. Kay requested that he go sluggish yet he overlooked her. He banged her quick and profound. Then, at that point, he came somewhere inside her pussy. His cum was gradually trickling out of her pussy. Yet, Jay needed more. He continued to fuck her in mish until he came back again directly in her face.
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